Art on One Kings Lane

I’m of the opinion that the flash sale site One Kings Lane is pretty legit when it comes to offering furnishings and accessories that will make your house spiffy.

I like many of their sales and one of my favorites are the art sales. For the next three days OKL is running a sale called “Beautifully Bohemian” packed with some art that is pretty darn good. The selection of and the purchase of art can and should be very, very personal and I realize that you art snobs out there might turn up your nose at buying art on OKL and I’m ok with that.

Extra 20% off when you enter the code FALLCHEER. Pretty nice. These are some of my picks.

art rorschach

Blue Rorschach 1

art lightning puzzle

Lightning Puzzle

art black flowers

Black Field of Flowers

art hollow hills

Hollow Hills

art tribal

Tribal Points

art horses

Black and White Horse Two

art scout

Detail of Scout

art shadow

Crouching in Shadow

art bird hair

Bird in Hair

art ramRam






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