Light it Up Kris

I’m about to.

I’ve got two lighting obsessions as of late. Asian inspired lighting and what I call faceted lighting.

First– Asian lanterns,

I have a lot of respect for Markham Roberts, he is in my personal top ten. Remember when I gushed about Cosima Pavoncelli’s Long Island home that Roberts designed, yeah that was fun. Too bad the knuckleheads at Town & Country wouldn’t send me the back issue.

Roberts uses some Asian lanterns in some of the spaces he has designed. They are an unexpected and exotic element in an otherwise traditional space. 

my favorite example,

Markham Roberts Sunporch

you can faintly see the white paper pendant,

Markham Roberts paper lantern

this is most likely a wire cage lantern, wonder if it is antique and he had it wired?

Markham Roberts chinese wire cage lantern

more round paper pendants

markham roberts paper lantern2

If my dining room could talk it would ask me for a cool, wire lantern instead of the chandy that is currently taking up space there now.  I might answer the call with these,


Some other examples, all antique from 1st Dibs and you know what the means—expensivo.

antique chinese lanterns 1st Dibs

this one is actually Turkish and is offered by Nathan Turner on 1st Dibs, 

antique asian wire lantern 1st dibs
My second lighting obsession is something I categorize in my head as faceted lighting. I think this particular style is referred to as faceted because it has a lot of smooth planes like a cut diamond or any kind of gem stone really.  

faceted capiz pendant Furbish

Faceted capiz pendant 

My stairwell is screaming for one of these pendants, I think it would be the perfect balance between traditional and modern. I’m pretty sure Thom Filicia was trying to achieve the same thing in the hallway below.  Upon taking a quick inventory you’ll notice—neutral wall color, heavy traditional moulding, abstract landscape art, traditional railing, maybe mid century bench. Looks like a good balance to me.

Thom Filicia faceted pendant hall

Thom Filicia


edmond pendant arteriors

Edmond pendant by Arteriors

Frosty, clear or capiz—I think capiz shell is my favorite but I’m not eliminating clear glass from the field just yet.

Tetra Collection Lamps Plus
Tetra Collection

faceted pendant entry

 What kind of light fixtures are destined for your house?Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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  • I noticed Katie Ridder is also a fan of asian-inspired lanterns. I think she uses silk-covered ones the most. Very cool!

    • Danielle are you serious! Get outta my head. I just got Ridder’s book on Friday read it over the weekend and noticed the very same thing. Lotsa silk indeed. BTW It’s my new favorite design book.

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