Morning Announcements

In keeping up with the trend, I feel the need to announce the gender of Baby #2 in some cutesy, visual sort of way. Coincidentally, this is also our 1,000th post on Teot, well played Baby #2.

Going in to the ultrasound I had everyone convinced it was a boy except for my daughter DC, she thought it was a girl from the beginning and never wavered.

So up on the screen is Baby #2, weighing in at a hefty 12 oz.

The ultrasound tech has to measure everything and make sure things are developing properly. While all of this measuring is going on the anticipation builds.

And then finally,



oh sorry, slipped some outtakes in there, my subject has little sign holding experience

OK here we go,

Aaaaaaaaaahhhh, its another girl! No Honey + Fitz airplane prints for this mama.

DC has already suggested the name Layla Sticky, she feels very strongly about this.Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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  • Hi Sarah,
    Congrats on your GIRL announcement! I’ve been following your blog for a while but decided today to write. I am due to have a boy any day now and wanted to share with you that I had originally hoped my number 2 baby would be a girl. So, if my assumption is right, you were hoping for one and are getting the other. Obviously the ultimate goal is to come home with a healthy baby. Well, luckily pregnancy is usually 9-10 months long. I’ve found that it has been plenty of time for me to warm up to the idea of adding a boy to our world. (I have a 3 year old daughter, also named Sarah). Just thought I’d share! Good luck :)

  • Congrats! I was wondering but didn’t want to pester. Sisters are the best. Can’t imagine life without mine! What wonderful news.

      • Congratulations! I have a younger brother who I adore, but I also always wanted a sister- that bond between sisters can often be so very close and meaningful throughout their lives in a way that is just different from the brother/sister relationships. Either way, siblings are great- even when they are driving you crazy they are teaching you to compromise and share. Best wishes for a healthy and smooth pregnancy and congratulations to your whole family!

  • Congratulations! I, myself have two girls, and having not a sister between my husband and I (but a combined three brothers), we were concerned. Now, with the girls at 5 and 3, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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