Sarah’s House: Hall Light Fixture Replaced

Back in April I posted about my selection of a new ceiling light fixture for the downstairs hall here.

Truthfully the new light has been up for a while but with all of the preparation for DC’s birthday back in May I never got around to photographing it.

Here’s the old fixture,

old hall light fixture

My husband Dan removed the old fixture himself. We also removed an inoperative doorbell on the wall near the ceiling which left a hole and the old dingy light switch plate cover. This was all in preparation to paint the hall.

After we painted, we talked it over and decided that because the wiring in the hall is old we should call our electrician Chuck just to be safe.

Chuck installed a new white switch and plate, simply covered the hole that the doorbell left with a white blank cover(for now) and installed the new fixture. The completion of this project satisfies one of the tasks listed on the Sarah’s House Punch List.

Here’s the finished product,

new hall light fixture 2

The fixture is the mini smokebell lantern, the paint color is Benjamin Moore Wickham Gray

new hall light fixture

I’m pretty happy with the result. Why do I say “pretty happy” well because I really want to remodel the whole wing!

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