My Bedroom – Onward and Upward

First off, Jenny has an interesting thing goin on over The Little Green Notebook – wondering Are We Overexposed to Design….

I like what she had to say… speaking of over-exposed…. let me expose you to this image again…. and talk about how I can’t have wallpaper – but how I REALLY want it. See this beautiful room, and whisper into my ear that I CAN have that pattern on my walls? If ANYONE has a heads up on where/how to get CHEAP large graphic pattern fabric, please yell at me…..

I want to be on the journey to create the LA Rental version of this. I’ve never starched fabric onto the wall, but they say it’s the answer.

After Sarah’s last visit she proclaimed that my bedroom was the top 3 most uncomfortable places she’s ever slept – meaning a close third to sleepin on the couch at a young man farrell’s college party house.. OUCH! I wouldn’t even sleep there that party night – I left them there and drove an hour in treacherous fog down the steep shoddy NC mountain highway to get to my own refuge that night.

Our first considerations in turning this magazine image into my bedroom reality are:

  1. My ceiling is 12 feet above not 1200 feet, my square footage is 250 not 2500.
  2. I can’t wallpaper my apartment
  3. I have some function that I have to consider (music making and blog writin means excuse me magnifying glass and seashells???, make room for midi keyboard and computer monitor.)

Thanks for playing,


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  • What do you consider cheap? Spoonflower has a large print section and you can get 54-58″ fabric for as little as $24 a yard. Otherwise I’d search “large” and “large print” on,,

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