I Need a Bedroom Lamp

I’ve been searching for a pair of bedroom lamps for about…one million years. I’m getting antsy sitting in my office chair right now because I searched Lamps Plus for about an hour and 1/2 without any real success.  I was certain I was going to hit the jackpot there.  There are some good ones, a lot of ceramic Robert Abbey lamps. And yes, I’ve searched all of the obvious sources,

Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, CB2, Restoration Hardware, Target, Ebay, West Elm, thrift stores, Z Gallerie, TJ Maxx, Home Goods,Overstock

I’ve scoured my flickr for inspiration. I want to just buy a Jonathan Adler Capri lamp and call it a day but the thing that is stopping me is, they are outside of my budget.

Here are some I am considering,


the estate of things chooses haley lamp



the estate of things chooses martha stewart venetian lamp

the estate of things chooses asbury lamp

the estate of things chooses potter lamp


the estate of things tripod lamp

the estate of things chooses steel ball lamp

the estate of things chooses pacific coast circle line lamp

Oh baby, this one is way out of my price range.

the estate of things chooses stray dog jenny lynn lamp

Haley Lamp , Venetian Waterfall, Asbury Lamp, Potter, Modern Tripod, Steel Table Lamp, Circle Line, Jenny Lynn


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  • Hey Sam,
    How do you like those lamps? And did I mention that I love inklore, especially the XOXO sachet. I want it to be a pillow.

  • Not sure what your price range is but have you considered visiting local vintage shops, antique shops, etc. to find vases, sculpture or other items that could be made into lamps. I be that could be accomplished within a budget and you would have totally unique, one-of-a-kind lamps vs. mass market.

    I brought back some wonderful architectural salvage from Sweden a few years ago and intended on turning them into lamps but never got around to it. Your post has reminded me that I need to get on this!

    Tricia – Avolli

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