Dear TEOT: Leaf Patterned Sheets

John wrote in with a search that he’d like to ask TEOT readers to help him with. John is looking for some sheets he saw on an old episode of Six Feet Under. By the way John, Six Feet Under is one of my all time favorite shows.

The sheets are from a scene with Brenda and Nate and if you watched the series you may remember that Nate spent a significant amount of time at Brenda’s house. I’m guessing the sheets were on Brenda’s bed.

John describes the sheets as having a white background with a large colorful (autumn) leaf print. Garnet Hill came to mind first but because it’s not fall I didn’t think I would find them there.  And they weren’t there but I’ll bet something like that will show up in the fall. Crate & Barrel surfaced next and this is what I found there (all Lehtimaja by Marimekko),

the estate of things chooses marimekko sheets the estate of things chooses lehtimaja sheet set the estate of things chooses lehtimaja sheet set

Plow & Hearth Sears

the estate of things chooses plow & hearth sheets the estate of things chooses sears

I got excited about this but quickly realized Glenna Jean only makes this Latte line for cribs

the estate of things chooses glenn jean

I also had a hunch that it might be Amenity. They use a lot of modern, natural prints. But no luck there.

the estate of things chooses amenity bedding

This is a nice set from Alenska but still not John’s sheets.

the estate of things chooses alenska

Has anyone got any ideas for John? He would appreciate any and all suggestions, or maybe you know exactly what sheets John saw on Six Feet.

Thanks for your question John! If anyone else out there has any other questions send us an email and title it Dear TEOT, we’re happy to drop it into the public forum.Thanks for playing,


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1 Comment

  • I image searched still photography for this show in the off chance it was a memorable enough scene, but no such luck.
    Does John happen to remember around which season this happened? If I re-watch I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

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