DIY Art with Maps

They don’t love you like I love you…maps that is.

I don’t do the DIY thing very often but all the kids are doing it.  I don’t DIY because I can’t hardly even find the time to hang a curtain rod but I had a thought today about a DIY project that I think I will attempt, after I saw this…

the estate of things chooses recycled map remants

These are remants from maps available at dlk designs. These quickly reminded me of the butterfly map cutouts we previously posted about here

Remember this?

Image Surgery Butterfly Maps 1

I got to thinking about the Martha Stewart paper punches I saw at Target. There are several to choose from at the store.

Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 4.56.16 PM

And I’m sure you can tell where the thought process went from there. Of course the butterflies at Image Surgery were hand cut and thats a no go for me because I can hardly cut a circle.

I’m thinking a flock of birds or butterflies applied in a grid pattern, framed in an affordable white IKEA frame?

Maybe some of you crafty folks out there have got other ideas or can give me some helpful hints on application or paper?Thanks for playing,


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