Design Star Episode One

Well, we watched it. It’s no Top Design – downright disappointing in comparison, but I’ve been known to sit around watching far less interesting television.

We liked the geese, did you? Sarah would’ve liked them better sans hot pink, but said it fit considering the feeling that they went for in that room. She liked that they wrapped the bench around to the gray purple wall – and we agree that color was a success.

Everyone on the show was talking GLAM and that is necessary considering its a Hollywood home on a hill, but we’d maybe like to have seen the Livingroom go a little more “BohoLuxe”. In that regard the geese would’ve stayed wood and there would’ve been some more pattern in the furniture and flooring selections. Some John Robshaw throw pillows would’ve been a success to warm up the couch. Sarah says she probably would’ve pulled in a big flokati area rug for that centralized seating area, flanked by some functional end tables with Mercury Glass Lamps. I’m thinking I would’ve gone for the big graphic punch with a Madeline Weinrib Tibetan rug.

The Estate of Things chooses Design Star Pink Geese

A huge plant as seen in the Peter Dunham room below would’ve brought in some much needed warmth.

The Estate of Things chooses Peter Dunham

We agreed with Genevieve about the room’s “lonely moments. A quiet reading corner is a great idea, but a comfortable chaise may have been a better option.

The Estate of Things chooses Design Star Lonely Moments

Lastly, I’m disappointed that the room below didn’t get the finish that it needed. Aside from the Livingroom,  it had more appeal to me than the others, and while its probably not something that I would’ve come up with on my own, I could appreciate the direction.

The Estate of Things chooses Design Star

Did you watch it? What sticks with you!?

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