Collections Atop Shelves

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Lucky Little Boy

Sarah added this to our Flickr photo stream. I love it. She’s...
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  • ahh! I’m such a sucker for globes. I always thought it was weird until I started seeing it incorporated with interior design. Maybe it’s still a little odd but I love it! haha

  • I like to spin ’em and close my eyes and hold my finger out and then pretend I’m gonna move to the land nearest wherever it stops……
    I haven’t embraced decorating with multiple globes yet, though Sarah was all over them at the Antiques Mall when we went together a few months ago.

  • Kristin this is you! My friend Kristin just asked me for advice on what she could put on top of her drab apartment cabinets. I told her birdhouses b/c of that sneak peek on Design Sponge. I also told her big blue glass bottles and jugs. Amass a large collection so you can really make a visual statement. Don’t just sprinkle a few objects in- really go for it.
    And globes are huge. It’s official b/c I said it…yeah right.

  • Hmm I like the globes (anything map like is my fav) I have old coffee cans and glassware on top of my cabinets, soon to be on ebay. I have birdhouse issues because my husband thought I wanted to collect birdhouses ( I bought 2 on my own) so he bought me birdhouses alot they sat in a grouping on a shelf in my foyer for a long time, until I came clean told him I did not want the birdhouses and pawned them off on a newly married kid with many spaces to decorate!

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