Interior Design

by Betsy and Sarah of The Estate of Things Looking for the Shop? CLICK HERE!

Mixing Fabrics


For quite a while my Mom has wanted me to choose some new pillows for her sofa. Recently I sat down and tried to figure things out, so let’s look at some fabric mixes. Our sofa is similar to this…

Life is Looking Like…


I appreciate a little look into the lifestyle of my blogger friends, so here’s a little look into mine, through the lens of my cell phone and meticulously filtered via Instagram!

What type of buyer are you?


We’re pulling together the ultimate guide to boho rugs for a recent advice seeking friend. In the process it’s led me to think deeply about the various motivations for actually pulling the trigger on a purchase! So, let’s take a…

The A-Frame by the Lake

Sarah jumped on this architectural gem as a flip. Come along for the ride as she guides readers through her renovation choices.

A-Frame Project: Week 1


Once we decided to get started with the A-frame project, it started raining and because we’re starting on the exterior first to get the dormer built, minimal progress happened in Week 1. Here’s what did happen, We removed the vinyl…

We Provide Design Services

If you enjoy our laid back bi-coastal boho take on new tradition, hit us up! VIEW OUR PORTFOLIO
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