
charlie chaplin

I developed a brief obsession with Charlie Chaplin at the end of college after seeing The Kid. For Halloween that year, I made Dan dress up as Charlie and I was the kid, Dan was a great Chaplin and I think we did great on the thrifted costume. I bought a book back then called My Life in Pictures and one of the most haunting images in the book was Charlie without makeup.

Does anyone else think he looks a little like Zach Braff?

In other news –I entered the third trimester this week and I’m experiencing all of the things that go along with that. I’ll spare you the deets. Let’s just say-I’m not one of those pregnant ladies that “never felt better”.

In your down time this weekend you might want to take a look at,

Ashley trimmed her Peyton drapes, I want to do it too!

Honed or Polished, do you have marble in your kitchen?

She took matters in to her own hands and stenciled her dining room

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