Holy Holler Bill Y’all

Yo! It’s Betsy and I haven’t bloggered here in a long time…. but let me tell ya a little secret. I finally saw something that made me WANT to… Looky!

You can click on the image to see more decor by Diamond Baratta, but honestly I wouldn’t – else you might lose faith in why I’ve ever tried to blog about interior design in my life. (Just kidding, its a totally great article, and I really like the concepts in it, I just don’t really care for the overall product. I think its a little bit much How bout you?) I do dig this particular picture though, from the exaggerated iron door hinges, to the shape of the wooden bench (similar),  and of course the obvious waterfall of black and white stair runner butted up against faux bois. Fun with Monochrome!!

the staircase in William Diamond’s Long Island house

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  • Interesting photo of the runner to look at (though dizzying) I don’t like the style of the rest of the stuffs…cept the globe table in the entry way, and those deer mounts-that I’d totally paint another color.

    I’m such a jerkface.


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