Inspiration from artist Cher Shaffer

Back in 2009 when blogging was a different kind of animal, one that I loved and miss — I shared the work of a folk artist I had met at an antiques fair.

Since that time I’ve followed her words and work via Facebook. A couple of weeks ago she shared these thoughts and I realized just exactly why I have maintained my years long fascination with her. I just think she is cut right from the cloth that I want to drape over my own existence!

Check our her sweet words, and of course I’ve included a visual glimpse into her world of folk art below. I hope you enjoy as I do.

I know that I may reveal too much about my life in the holler, but it is just that interesting. Some days, I am thankful for the isolation, and remoteness, and some days, I have to talk to myself, because Denny does not want to hear my stories(for more than 3 times), and he is watching videos on alternative ways to get off planet….or heat our house with a rockett stove, or something of that type.
I tend to live in my own world, which is not that bad of a place, and imagine animals and creatures that do not want to tear each other to shreds, or have any political leanings, or even care about what darn party a person follows. In my world, we all bloom into full potential, and only have ourselves to blame, if things do not go as we want them to do.
Again, I have probably said way to much, and I apologize in advance to my children. However, I am now 70, and fully intend to push the limits . Be prepared…….

Here are some examples of her work:

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