Bedroom Sconces

So you want a pair of sconces on either side of your bed? I don’t blame you, I do too.

I thought for a bit about how long I have been hung up on this, and I came up with an idea.

My problem is that I can’t commit to hard wiring the things onto my wall. What if I need a massive change in the bedroom?



Sarah has put together a roundup of sconces that you will not regret having hard-wired into your bedroom for keepsies. This round up is for those of you that are far more committed than folks like me, who move their bed from one side of the wall to the other, on a whim when the world needs a change.


I have put together a roundup of plug-in sconces that are easily attached to the wall, but easy to move later without the requirement that you call up your local electrician. Just get out your pink Skil screwdriver and locate a handful of mason’s screws and you’re done in moments.


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