Room with an Yves

I was an art history major. Mostly I forget that. But then sometimes I think about it and I am reminded that despite the rich story that has been woven throughout the history books, tales of masters, tales of philanthropy and patronage, tales of some kind of an academic evolution are but one way to appreciate art. At this point in my life, my personal appreciation is far more visceral, far more sentimental and personal.

Yves Klein falls in there somewhere. I’m moved by the use of color. I love the color. And I’m vaguely interested in the fact that his time was a time in the story of art that I particularly enjoy on that almost forgotten intellectual level.

My guy is an art appreciator as well. On our first date around 11 years ago, he regaled me with stories of his trip to Marfa, TX where he toured the formally private studio of one of my most favorites, Donald Judd. Yes, he knew Yves Klein, he knew Frank Stella, Mondrian, Pollock, de Kooning. He enjoyed abstract expressionism the most, but yes to minimalism, yes to Pop Art! We shared so many of the same favorites!

We often joke about our future life and we use the Yves Klein coffee table as our bar for measure. We’ll know we’ve made it when we have one of our own.

Interior design also has a love affair with that bright stroke of cobalt blue that is the signature of Yves Klein and really all these words I’m sharing are just an intro into the collection of images that I’ve gathered to share with you here today. So, here it is, a look at Yves Klein in interior design.

Miles Redd loves a lacquer. This is one he hooked up in the cobalt blue known as Yves Klein blue.

Want to get the look seen above.
Try a framed acrylic on paper called “Yves Klein Blue” by Francisco Franco.
You can have one today from 1stDibs for $4800.
Or frame a $600 vintage exhibition poster.

The right original Yves Klein could set you back as far as $36 million.

I love an Yves Klein rose alongside the blue. Here is a look at those two colors together.

It is confirmed that having two side by side is really the way to do it, so now I suppose Heffe and I can have a new goal to strive for in life.

Sarah loves her some Jeffrey Bilhuber, and apparently Bilhuber loves him some Yves Klein.

Meanwhile, I love me some Roy Lichtenstein and well, this “Room with an Yves Kliein” print is just adorable.

Want a splash of Yves Klein blue in your life? You can buy this print and pop into a gallery frame and you are in business. I used to be very much against the whole notion of framing a classic or iconic piece of art for your own home and Emily Hendo just confirmed last week that you shouldn’t frame the Mona Lisa above your bed… but she does make some exception for the iconic art print, and I think in this case, if Bilhuber can do it, so can we! It’s an abstract – so feel free to turn her sideways!

Happy art-ing.
BetsyThanks for playing,


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