

Hey y’all, it’s Betsy.

We picked all 68 oranges off of the orange tree a while back and we’ve been having fresh juice for weeks now. It’s a wonderful weekend treat when there is time to pull out the juicer and make the mess.

What are you up to this weekend? Celebrating your fathers and baby daddies, I hope!

Jeff and I are going downtown to the Los Angeles Beer Festival which is kind of like going to Oktoberfest in my home town of Hickory, NC, down on the square. Just kidding… it’s not like that at all. Similarly, there are lots of different craft beer vendors, and we will likely stand in line with tiny cups to taste the creations of the breweries that have been popping up around here like wildfire. I’m excited to seek out the sours.

Over in NC, Sarah and Dan will celebrating all weekend. Not only is Dan a father, but it’s also his birthday and he is 36. I have been soaking that number in recently! We are full on adults now y’all. It’s still a little tough for me to believe. Happy birthday Dan, I hope that you guys have a wonderful weekend full of love and celebration. You and your family are so special to me and I’m so glad they all have you.

Happy Interneting to you guys this weekend. If you find anything good, holler at us!

Have a peek inside a $900k Silverlake home with SoCal boho stylings

This week Jonathan Adler was the guest on the Clever Podcast

There are several conversations that we need to have with our nation, this person resonated with us this week.  

I will always love Sylvia Plath.

Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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