
hairodynamics the weekend

Hi, it’s Betsy.

It’s been a minute since we did a fun Weekend post… the post where we toss out a few links for a good weekend morning coffee and iPad time.

This long weekend I have some Ikea shelves to put together for the master bedroom, a temporary solution to solve our storage and organization challenges that have been lingering since our move. We also have a fun library ladder to put together for the little girl’s room, so we can climb and store extra toys and things in empty alcove space above her closet, oh and I need to work on the crab grass that is pushing its way between the bricks in my back patio.

Additionally, we are going to head over to the dude’s brother’s new house and help them with their updates that they are making to their Midcentury Ranch that they just bought. They were thrilled with Sarah’s “Cure for the Common Ranch” post and are now talking about busting out walls and doors! I can’t wait to go see what they are starting with, I love a good house renovation fantasy.

Here are some media recommendations that we can make for whatever YOU are getting into this weekend!

With great influence, comes great responsibility.
If you are a blogger, or curious about how the big time bloggers (not us) make their living, You might be interested to know that this fashion blogger just signed an exclusive deal as a brand evangelist, reportedly the largest deal made to date. She has about 3 million Instagram followers and thus will be shilling for lip glosses and face scrubs directly to her legions of fangirls. But it leads some to question the nature of social media authenticity if someone is getting paid a huge amount to so directly influence purchases. The FTC, a government agency charged with consumer protection, is NOT into the undisclosed method of product promotion via social and most sponsored content does not meet requirements. This media source calls it “dirty advertising.” Read about it here, and if you want to save your eyeballs from bleeding with detail – skip past all the FTC explanation and just head on down to the instagrams examples where you will get facts like SOME GIRL GOT PAID $15k FOR A SINGLE INSTAGRAM POST and can now charge more cause she topped a million followers.

PODCAST OF THE WEEK: JV Club – Mental Illness with Maria Bamford.
That is NOT the official name of that conversation, but it’s my takeaway and Holy SMOKES this hit hard and fast. We don’t need to delve too deeply into mental illness here on sweet TEOT, but on the surface I will say that if you have personal experience with it, or know and love someone near and dear to you with struggles, this podcast was fun, funny and totally deep on the levels of discussion between two creative artistic souls who have had their own dealings with suicide attempts, food disorders and diagnoses… and both lived to tell the tales. They are funny, and leaning on humor is my favorite way to approach really important topics!

We thought the studio at One Kings Lane was hot… but check out the MyDomaine exclusive tour of their entire office digs
Seriously, when photos of the studio at OKL started to surface the internets Sarah and I were awash with inspiration. We both pounced and immediately propped the images up on pinterest boards with our own dreams for our own shop aesthetic in mind. It’s good stuff. We were equally thrilled to see the OKL take on startup style where it comes to office culture. If I could be 20 again, I’d be doing my damnest to get on the digital team and take up a spot at that conference table.

Last but certainly not least of all: SNAPCHAT
I’m trying so hard to get into this platform that has been around for a long time but y’all its CRAZY. My old lady soul just doesn’t understand why I’d want to record myself and then see it disappear in 24 hours. But here is where I’m at with it. I posted “a day in the life of snapchat” video to my Facebook feed and you can view that here. It is not without humor, since I sent a private message to my entire world of 4 followers. The most joy that I AM deriving from Snapchat comes in the form of stalking on other bloggers and friends and folks that actually have embraced the ephemery and are now posting the most mundane, yet terribly humane glimpses into their days. I’m now hooked to catching up with people’s days at the end of mine. The dude HATES when I watch the snapchats because to him it just sounds like a lot of weird girls with noisy whining and/or over-excitement. But I’ve gotten a front row ticket to the behind the scenes LCDQ events, a Beyonce concert (oddly enough  from like 6 different viewpoints) and even such voyeuristic glimpses into people’s closet choices as they pick out outfits before first dates. It’s weird… but my ever curious appreciation for what makes us human is watching on like a true stalker. Y’all on it? Or are we all too old for this business?

The end… Happy weekending! Love you.



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