Oh What Fun!

Doesn’t this look like something that is right up my alley? I’ve actually been watching it for several months now. Here’s the listing in case you’re interested.

125 south ashe bungalow

This is my kind of place…

125 south ashe bungalow LR

it looks like the ceiling has already been ripped out, that’s convenient!

125 south ashe bungalow LR2

It reminds me so much of Bungalow 404.

125 south ashe bungalow kitchen

They took several pictures of the living room because maybe thats the only presentable space?

125 south ashe bungalow LR2

Sweet banquette…

125 south ashe bungalow banquette

I know right where this house is, smack in the middle of downtown right across from the main park in Southern Pines, birds chirping, grass mowed, children playing. Nope its not even in a bad area. Even at $195,000 I don’t think it will sell any time soon.

Maybe I should go look, won’t hurt will it? Just some window shopping.Thanks for playing,


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  • Oh man, I grew up just a couple blocks from there…very cute, though not exactly a hoppin real estate market… If there were some jobs to be had there, I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Dreamy!

  • Definitely go look….can’t hurt…and if they decide to lower the price, maybe it would be do-able….smiles.

  • Definitely up your alley. Maybe the seller will get desperate and you can scoop it up for a good price. Would love to see that renovation.

  • $195,000 to start off…. that’ll cut into the lighting budget. Its a good looking house though – love all the windows in the back. I’m sure your imagination is running wild w/ amazing ideas.
    Go see it! Dreams are free – and maybe it’ll turn out to be another worthy project!

    • I drove by this house and looked in the windows today, it is in far worse condition than I thought, $195K will never play.

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