Sarah’s House: Extraction

My husband Dan decided that it was time to put his crowbar to good use. There was a set of old pine folding doors that could be closed to separate the dining room from the living room. I’m not entirely sure these doors were original to the house but they do appear to be old.

They were screwed in to a frame made from the same wood that was then nailed to the existing moulding around the cased opening to the dining room.

So first the before,


Someone wanted to be in the picture, that’s my little sweetie DC. OK- lets try this again,

pine doors closed

Some detailed views,

pine door hardware

pine door knob

Unscrewing the hinges,

working on pine doors

And after the frame is successfully pulled off and doors unscrewed,

dining room opening

There’s not much going in my oversized dining room design wise, in fact there is still a lot of miscellaneous stuff sitting in there leftover from the January move. But the pine doors are gone and that is a step in the right direction.

pine doors removed

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  • The dining room looks so big and open with the doors removed, but I’m wondering if you plan on maybe using the doors somewhere else? The hardware looks so unique!

  • Why is it that I’m more interested in looking at the pics of Dylan and Dan? Oh, I know – because I miss your faces!!

  • Ashley-My parents are thinking about fashioning them into a room screen, unfortunately I don’t really have another use for them but if my parents don’t want them I intend on keeping them for a rainy day!

  • Would love that, but we will be in Blowing Rock for Amanda and Scott’s wedding…but the following weekend would be perfecto!

  • I’m with Amanda on the human element…..
    Though the door removal is incredible and was a good call. I love the idea of fashioning them into a room divider.


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