
Have you noticed the resurgence of the Mexican folk art blanket? It started last year and I thought it had died down after Grace Bonney covered her headboard with it.  But alas, its still happening.

Grace Bonney headboard Mexican blanket

In the July issue of HB,

House Beautiful Mexican table cloth

In Betsy Burnham’s daughter’s room (when will people stop talking about this room, not any time soon!)

Betsy Burnham bed detail

Maybe the yummiest example of all in Domino (a few years ago)…

the estate of things chooses domino mexican coverlet

After doing a little digging I found that it is called colcha and is native to the tenango region of Hidalgo in Mexico.  It is a folk art practiced by the Otomi Indians.

My Mom and Dad are living the colcha dream in their bedroom, you can catch a glimpse of it.  Its really beautiful in person and is a powerful graphic force in any room.

Mother's bedroom

Last week I found this on Ebay and considered it as a coverlet for DC’s room. I searched “mexican coverlet” and “otomi” and found some other choices too.

These blankets are also available at the beautiful Laviva Home and Jacaranda.

Mexican folk art blanket

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  • I just went walking down Olvera Street in downtown LA last Saturday and pointed one out to Bregan at a little store. It was $325.

    We also saw a bright orange one being used as a tablecloth at the tag sale.

    They are eye catching in monochromatic, but the multi-colors that are poppin up are really fun too huh?

  • Hola, curioso lo leido e interesante, ha servido para entretenerme unos minutos, por eso te doy un notable por el ;) por cierto alguien es de camas?

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