Christmas Trees

Casa Sugar posted a little dittie on Fake & Fabulous Christmas Trees.

The Estate of Things chooses Fake Christmas Trees from Casa Sugar

I have to admit I’m totally bedazzled by a fake and fab Xmas experience. I decided to go that route (in super small scale) in my home last year. It was pretty dinky, but a fun evening’s experience for a single girl at home.

The Estate of Things chooses Fake Christmas Trees from Casa Sugar

In the end however, I have to tell you that I felt like a fraud. What a terrible thing to have done to myself. Even though I enjoy these pink and white trees as well as my meager attempt last holiday…… I think that ultimately my loyalty to personal tradition lies with the kitschy homey cozy effect of a real tree over-filled with stupid old mis-matched ornaments that have sentimental value.

I’m taking my stance. My Christmas tree isn’t going to be a work of art until after its a masterpiece of memories brought to life for the short season!

What’s your stance!?Thanks for playing,


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  • Traditionalist all the way with Christmas trees (even including the homemade ornaments from 3rd grade- popsicle sticks and all!) Wishing Bootsy was sitting under my REAL tree this year as my Christmas present!

  • This year, I went tree shopping at Goodwill. Pretty good choices for low prices. Since, I don’t have a basement or an attic, I have nowhere to store my tree out of season. My plan is to make my Goodwill trip its own tradition. I’ll spend less than on a real tree, I’ll have something different each year, and I’ll consider its purchase a little yearly donation to my community.

  • I am a BIG REAL tree person. My Husband and kids travel from SC to the NC mountains each year, to cut down our own tree. We have all our special ornaments on the tree, and always listen to Christmas music while we decorate and follow up with hot apple cider.

  • Totally agree and was just thinking that today after seeing so many ‘contrived’ trees. Now, I had a fake small whitey last year and loved it because I’m too young and just now married to have my own with memories. Too many things these days are commercial…let’s stick with good ole fashioned ornaments collected over the years. (As for the tree…fake green ones are ok in my book…as long as they look sorta real and traditional).

  • I donated mine to Goodwill along with bunches of shiny hot pink and aqua ornaments. Someone should be happy to be able to buy a box of Christmas for $10. Good idea Bregan.

    Unfortunately this year, I don’t really have a home yet… It looks like it will probably Christmas Eve before I get to inhale a big whiff of Pine in a cozy livingroom. But I can’t wait.

  • I have an awesome thrifted white tree that I alternate with a real tree. The white opens up so many color possibilities I love it!

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