Wall Stencils

I was chatting with Bregan last night about Wall Stencils. She mentioned a magazine that she picked up called Fresh Home, she described it as kinda similar to ReadyMade Magazine. In it was an article about Stencils with a cutout pattern that she liked very much. Her idea is to use a tone on tone color combo and we were just discussing where that might work. I think its a great idea.

I’m sure you can do stencils right and make a really fantastic impact in your decor, but I’m guessing its also possible that you may end up with a little cheese if you aren’t careful. Below are two images that are examples of excellent uses that I wanted to share. Check them out and let us know what you think about the use of stencils.

The Estate of Things chooses Southern Living

From Southern Living

The Estate of Things chooses Domino

From the final issue of DominoThanks for playing,


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