Design Star: Episode 5

Sorry for my absence last week. I watched the rerun this week and well, turns out I didn’t miss much – Garages with sunken floors, bad murals, nothin to rave about. Glad Tashica was booted.

But I did watch last night and Dan is still the winner forever and ever. He wins. He will beat Antonio and Lonnie in the finals. (this is my hope for who sticks around….) I have hope for Lonni, Her team’s room sucks, the furniture super sucks…. and its too bad b/c her chevron wall is pretty great.

The Estate of Things chooses HGTV Design Star Lonni Chevron Wall

Sad to see Nathan go. I think he just messed up and unfortunately got kicked off for a mistake. This is the reason why Design Star sucks to me. Cause I don’t care if they can manage their time, ha. I wanna see the best designs and he had some of them. He blew it.

There was this whole debacle over the paint color for the Dan/Antonio/Torri team. It was pretty funny to me to see how upset Torri was that she didn’t get to paint that room tan, a true indication of how hard she will cling to safe choices. I have had a huge battle with TAN at my house, so I was not sympathetic to her desire for that paint color at all, yet I still don’t think I like Antonio’s attitude AND he chose powder blue which grosses me out and only turned out okay b/c of the colors in the furniture.

The best part of the show was when Antonio asked Torri if his teammates were messing with him by wearing tan. Torri said yes. That’s funny. I think she could win if the prize was Havertys showroom decorator

The Estate of Things chooses HGTV Design Star Episode 5

So, at the end – when the  families were coming in, I cried. I’m feeling a little vulnerable I guess, I don’t know what’s wrong with me…  So I got into the Real Estate Intervention show that came on next, Mike Aubrey helps me get my edge back.Thanks for playing,


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1 Comment

  • I totally agree that Torri was ridiculous for being upset about the tan wall color…the owner said she liked neutrals like tans and browns but also liked pops of color.

    Dan’s also the winner for me…I’m sure it’ll be him and Antonio, and I’m still waiting for Lonnie to bring it.

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