Check out ISuwannee on Apartment Therapy!! Congrats Jamie.
Liz’s Apartment makeover is certainly an admirable turn around, and for only $500 – you can’t shake a stick at it. (I don’t know what that means exactly, but idioms are funny). So, if you haven’t taken a moment to explore Jamie’s launch of, its time, and now you can do it via everyone’s favorite Shelter Blog – Apartment Therapy.
Don’t miss her on Decor8 as well.Thanks for playing,
Liz’s apartment redo was great and a success for Jamie & Liz. Jamie used a brass round mirror in the apartment and I have since seen at least two convex brass mirrors on Ebay. Yay Jamie, I love the way she inspires me to stretch my Ebay search skills!
Saw it on I Suwanee (or ever how you spell it.) Great job, especially with that bookcase.