Everywhere: Convex Mirrors

They keep popping up and now I’m looking everywhere for them – on the cheap. Any ideas!?

Oh, Hi again – Miles Redd Design from House Beautiful. It seems I’m not over you yet.

The Estate of Things chooses Betsey Johnson's convex mirror

Betsey Johnson’s House

The Estate of Things chooses Convex Mirror from Rubbish

Convex Mirror spotted at RUBBISH Interiors in Silverlake, CA

The Estate of Things chooses Convex Mirrors

From a really great post on LittleGreenNotebook where she suggests you make the DIY version of that shiny shiny lamp back in the corner.

And speaking of DIY – You could arrange a little project of your own, starting with one of these Safety Mirrors on Ebay and then get creative for the frame. I broke the crap out of the mirror in my large round frame from the thrift store yesterday. Hmmm!!

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