A new Must Have for my home!

This Vintage Electric Fireplace is the perfect item for my Living Room! I’m on the hunt!

The Estate of Things chooses Vintage Electric Fireplace

Found it $895 at CityIssue.com
Found it with a super low starting bid on Ebay

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  • The real thing is an electric one!! (from Sears & Roebuck c. 1960s) But they aren’t seemingly easy to find. So I’ll take whatever I can find. I was asking my Contractor (aka DAD) if he could help me make one. haha…. He didn’t seem to positive, but he’s probably tired of me soliciting him for ridiculous projects.

  • Acorn fireplaces are waaay cheaper than that! We have one that we use outdoors in the summer and it cost us like $20. Not electric, obviously… so that’s probably why the one’s you’re looking at aren’t cheap. The wood-burning ones were banned from houses because of the smoke (quick way to kill your lungs, I suppose) and insurance issues.

  • I remember. You’ve raved about that place for years and I’ve still never been there. Please go there for me and find me a fireplace to put in my new bright white livingroom.

    Whatever happened to that coffee table? Actually – what about the end tables??? Donde?

  • betsy – i’ll keep an eye out at father and son. i feel positive that they have an orange one right now. and the ebay one seems to have ended, but it was pickup only in philly =(

    how is your big puppy doing? and will you guys be in raleigh anytime soon?

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