The Holga Cult

A great solution for decorating your space with photography without it feeling like a Freshman Girl’s Dorm Room.

Holga Camera

The Holga Camera emerged from the early 1980’s as a toy camera. Manufactured in China, its appeal comes mostly from the quality (or lack thereof) of the prints it produces. I was first introduced to the Holga Camera when visiting a little camera shop in Los Angeles. There was this gaudy display case filled with silly toy camera’s all decorated, painted and pimped out. My photographer friend explained to me the virtue of this plastic body camera and its massive underground appeal. I’ve since noticed its appearance at Urban Outfitters and several books have stuck out to me when perusing the little coolio bookstores about town. Suffice to say, it has a cult appreciation in the photography world and appears to have become decisively hip among the hippest of hipsters. (whatev!)

Purchase this inexpensive camera from your local camera shop or online. Urban Outfitters sells the Holga Camera as well as other fun cameras that produce fantastic frame worthy results. The Holga is a Medium Format camera and takes 120 size film which can be purchased at most any photo store.

If you aren’t the DIY type, Etsy features tons of great samples of the photography style.

This is the result from the Holga by my Photographer Friend who loves Eagle Rock.

The Estate of Things chooses Christopher Alabada

“Eagle Rock”

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