Could this be it?

Oh boy, thank you Remodelista for unearthing this on Inspace Locations and presenting it to us all. It really helped me piece an idea together for the Indiana project.

English cottage2 Inspace

English cottage Inspace

So after seeing Remodelista’s post on the English Cottage entry, it was easy to draw a line from that to an image I found not too long ago at Canadian House & Home.

exterior color CH&H

The color contrast is delicious and my love affair with watery blue seems unending. And as I said before, there are painted cedar shakes on the exterior of the Indiana house. 

And I found this rooting around in Flickr one day,

Sears Roebuck Amsterdam

 This is an old Sears houseplan, it was called the Amsterdam. After doing some light research I’ve found that this house is a Dutch Colonial Revival and I think the Indiana house is too.  I originally thought the Indiana house was begging for a big covered front porch.  But after collecting all of these images, I’m beginning to think a generous covered entry is the way to go. Enter support brackets,

entry brackets molly frey

entry Molly Frey

 Both of the images above are from Molly Frey Design

 Just a reminder, this is what the Indiana house looks like.

Front Exterior

 Thanks for following along with my thought process. I love when things to start to come together.Thanks for playing,


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