Birthday Party Inspiration

In the spirit of keeping things simple for DC’s impending 3rd birthday party, I decided that what we needed was the ever fashionable rainbow themed birthday party.  Those rainbow cakes are everywhere! Nicole just had one for Eleanor and I first spotted the rainbow theme on Jordan’s blog Oh Happy Day.

Here is what the party decorations will include-

rainbow balloons crooked house blog

Crooked House

We’ll need lots of balloons in an array of colors.

rainbow cake one charming party

one Charming party

anthropologie polka dot garland
BHLDN, Anthropologie weddings

string some rainbow polka dot garland over the dining table

mason jar drink

DC loves pink lemonade so we’ll serve some of that in some mason jars

rainbow dots straw Sweet Lulu

Sweet Lulu

sparkler candles

Is she too young for sparkler candles?

Thanks for playing,


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