House Hunting: The Renovation that Never Shall Be

Are we all getting bored of this house hunt yet? Lord knows I am.

The last offer was void of the normal adrenaline rush. I mean, it’s always a roller coaster, and believe me — when the news came in that we had lost, again (to all cash offers, again) there was a reaction that bordered on intense…

Suffice to say, we’re over it. With this home on el Hito, we wanted the house hunt to be done. With each offer – we feel less and less emotion about the actual house and more and more emotion about the damn pursuit just being over, so that we can get to the part where we are living, cooking,  training a puppy, organizing a garage, and setting up our play areas.

So, we didn’t get it and there was some frustration, but then we immediately bounced back and moved along, and we just keep going back to the faith that what is meant to be will be. Perhaps there is still hope for my blue paned fantasy home.

At any rate, during the time between when we put in our offer and when we found out that we didn’t get the home – I started to brainstorm the renovation that would be needed. Here is the inspiration board that came together.

El-Hito-Renovation-InspirationThanks for playing,


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    • Thank you for the kind words Celine. I hope that it’s okay with fate, if I ask that Mr. Right be the house with the blue window panes. Maybe we haven’t gotten every other house b/c that one is for us?

  • You should check out the Encino hills….a lot of mid-century gems and Westside close.

    • Interesting that you should mention that Jane. We went driving around through Encino hills via Hayvenhurst just this past Saturday. There are some great homes there. We also thought maybe it was close enough that we’d get into it.

      Even though its just over the hill, we calculated that the dude’s daily commute would bump up an extra hour each day, adding 5 hours of drive time to his work week.

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