
I recently took a trip to Charleston with some friends.  Here are some scenes from a carriage ride through the city.

If you’re thinking about painting the exterior of your house and need some inspiration, you can probably find it in Charleston.




one of the carriage guides had a commanding afro that he clearly spent time picking and/or fluffing,

There are some amazing architectural details on these houses,



The gardens were lush of course, lots of sago palms, podocarpus and oleander. I think we are looking at the trunk of a chaste tree, which is incredibly easy to grow in the South.



This looks like two apartments with interior entries on the right and left. But what I thought was interesting was that it appeared to be a bungalow style row house.

Another creative apartment house, two side by side entries and both apartments had side porches that spanned the whole length of the building just like other single residences.

 Thanks for playing,


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