Trends: Overmount Bath Sinks

I think I took notice of overmount or self rimming sinks when Lonny partnered with Kohler in their most recent issue. They featured the Tresham collection,

Kohler Tresham overmount sink

Then from there I started noticing them more,

Garden Court Hotel overmount sink

Garden Court Hotel

I think with their overstated molding-like frames they are directed at more classic, elegant baths.

houzz bath overmount sink

via Houzz

Here’s an oval,

overmount oval sink bath

Let’s compare the self rimming variety to its undermount counterpart,

Ebony & Marble bath

House & Home

Undermount definitely creates more of a seamless look,

Gil Schafer traditional bath

Gil Schafer

In a kitchen, an undermount sink makes counter cleanup easier because you just sweep the mess in to the sink. In the bathroom, that’s not really an issue.

grey bath cabinet vanity Brook Gianetti

Brooke Giannetti

(P.S. isn’t that blue/grey vanity fantastic, I want to try that!)

Do you think both sink styles have their merits? Which one do you prefer?

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  • I have a Kohler self-rimming sink on my bathroom remodel wish list. I’m not sure why I want it, just that I prefer the look for this particular bathroom. I agree with you that it seems classic and elegant which is definitely the look I’m going for here.

  • I’m not too crazy about the over mount sink – it seems like a pain to clean! BUT I think that version would look awesome if you made a sink out of an antique console/buffet/vanity type thing. I’m dying to try that! – Boo

  • I agree that the over-mount is like having nice millwork, but wouldn’t have thought of that until you pointed it out.

    Regarding that blue/grey vanity. When I first saw that very picture, I thought the same thing. Out with the white one, in with the dark!

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