A lovin’ spoonful of the Rose Bowl

On our TEOT field trip to the Rose Bowl flea market in Pasadena we saw…

beautiful kilims, Betsy wanted one of these

The Estate of Things chooses Kilim Rugs

the estate of things chooses vintage kilims

A little architectural salvage, place a pair over the sofa in the living room or in the dining room

The Estate of Things chooses Sculptural wing

I think it really goes without saying…but everyone needs a life size unicorn

The Estate of Things chooses Unicorn sculpture

vintage metal garden chairs, similar to the chair sold at Terrain

the estate of things chooses vintage wire garden chairs

these would be incredible in a kid’s room provided it was a pretty sizable space, also don’t miss the rhino wall hanging on the right side of the frame

the estate of things chooses plaster animals

the focus here was on the vintage school pull down map BUT on further inspection of this photo I noticed the round bamboo table and instantly thought it would make a great bar

the estate of things chooses vintage school map

everyone loves grain sack pillows

the estate of things chooses retro pillows the estate of things chooses feedsack pillows

beautiful gilded wheat table

the estate of things chooses gilded wheat coffee table

vintage metal laboratory storage in mint condition, perfect for an office

the estate of things chooses vintage metal laboratory chest

Betsy spent a while considering this antique heater, it was the perfect color blue and the perfect petite size for her balcony. After several minutes, she couldn’t pull the trigger.

the estate of things chooses antique heater

collections of things

the estate of things chooses vintage clock faces

the estate of things chooses vintage stamps

the estate of things chooses vintage letters

the estate of things chooses plaster seal


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