Wall Adornment for Little Sweeties

Art for a child’s room is not restricted to the ABCs and 123s and you don’t need a theme to create a beautiful and well appointed nursery.  I think one thing I have learned is to go for it, be original, express some of yourself and your style and remember above all– to balance form and function.  You’ll know what I mean once your little one starts tearing things off those bottom shelves of the Expedit bookcase in their room.  The art choices for a nursery are seemingly endless, here are a few that we like.

Ink + Wit

the estate of things chooses ink + wit


the estate of things chooses binth numbers poster

Swarm, Oiseaux Noir

the estate of things chooses swarm print


Enzo Mari, La Pera print

the estate of things chooses enzo mari

image via Cookie

the estate of things chooses cookie magazine


Mon petit imagier, Limoon at L’affiche Moderne

the estate of things chooses limoon print

I Can Count to Eight, The Yumi Yumi Shop

the estate of things chooses i can count to eight print

Vintage Physics Chart, Present & Correct

the estate of things chooses present and correct

Alexander Girard “Daisy Face”

the estate of things chooses daisy face plywood

Wallpaper Tree, Inke Heiland

the estate of things chooses wallpaper tree


                                                          the estate of things chooses birdhouse lamp

Skating Rink Print, O’Reilly Ink

the estate of things chooses skating rink print

Collages on wood, Petit Collage


the estate of things chooses green songbird



the estate of things chooses yellow pear

Shine collage print, Oiseaux Noir

the estate of things chooses shine print

 Thanks for playing,


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