What type of buyer are you?

We’re pulling together the ultimate guide to boho rugs for a recent advice seeking friend. In the process it’s led me to think deeply about the various motivations for actually pulling the trigger on a purchase!

So, let’s take a moment to consider what type of buyers we all are.

As design and decor consultants, most often that means pointing our clients and friends, and on another, in the direction of the perfect thing to buy!

But in a world with as many options as ours, how do we know what “perfect” means to each of us?

As far as pulling the trigger on a rug for my living room, “perfect” meant learning as much as I could about the type of rug I wanted, zeroing in on my favorite colors and patterns and then digging until I found the most unique option at a the lowest price possible. I’m motivated by a cheap sticker price, but what I’ve learned is that sometimes I end up with a big old disappointment because I made a hasty decision that was motivated by a deal.

For example…

I’ve been admiring flat black lighting options for months. I’m dying to have at least one Serge Mouille reproduction hanging somewhere in my house… and I’ve pinned and pinned various flat black sconces for the master bedroom. And then TARGET was all, hey $35 and I now they are sitting here in boxes in my house and they aren’t what I wanted.


Let’s see if you fit into any one of these categories?

The Hunter

Like me, this buyer type seeks a balance between quality and price. I’m a little on the cheap side so usually a great deal will tip me right over into purchase, however plenty of hunters value quality first and are willing to work to find the best they can find at the right price. Either way you lean, we’ll call this buyer type the hunter, they pull the trigger after putting in some work. 

The Jejune

Most shoppers are motivated by comfort, trust and convenience. Perhaps you are the type of buyer that puts faith in a brand or word of mouth advice. You pull the trigger more readily when you feel it’s a safe bet. We’ll call this buyer the jejune and they represent like 96% of the world, so that’s pretty awesome.

The Aficionado

The Third Buyer is a bit more savvy, and likely a bit more riche than the others, though I’ve met some cheap aficionados. This buyer pulls the trigger for a very specific and unique result. Their first concern is originality, longevity, and/or material. This type of buyer will usually favor personal style before trend. They are likely a bit more confident in their own vibe. They know what they like and how its price tag relates to their experience in the big picture. We’ll call this buyer the aficionado.

Fashion-wise, I’m 100% jejune, but when it comes to home decor I’m somewhere between the hunter and the aficionado. I’d say Sarah leans more toward aficionado in both fashion and decor… but she loves the thrill of the hunt as well.

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