I agonized for longer than I care to admit about the wall sconce selection above the vanity for my master bath but yet here I am admitting it. Going in I knew that this would be an important element in achieving the look I wanted. Those sconces were not only just the right earrings to complete the outfit that is the room but also they are viewable when standing in the bedroom because I opted to eliminate an actual door to the bathroom.
I vacillated over several months between white, brass, nickel and I would tell me myself, you need to commit, its ok let it go. The pep talk didn’t work because I would feel as though I was committing to a fixture, sleep on it and return to the selected fixture and doubt myself again. I wanted a slight modern edge, a bit European, not elegant but timeless. For a long time I really wanted to commit to a white plaster look.
Regina Andrews Hope sconce
But ultimately it didn’t check the timeless box.