Decorating for the Style of Your Home

Heffe and I talk about this a lot here at our home. Our last home, we referred to as the Ranchalow. It had the flow and layout of a ranch, but it was tight and a bit cottagey like a bungalow might be. We were very happy to find a similar vibe to suit us for our next home that we could grow into.


Our current home holds a bit of mystery in terms of style. There are also things about it that we would like to change over time.

The previous owners renovated this home in the late 90s and early 2000s. They borrowed some space from the lofty attic to create our favorite feature, which are the soaring beams above the living area, along with its lovely skylights that pour into the room all day.


They also captured what was once an outdoor porch space and opened it up to the home, enclosing it with french windows. This is now the sunroom where I work all day every day! They shimmed the foundation and then heightened some of the bedroom ceilings.






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