The Floor Pouf

Cactus Silk Floor Poufs

Hello friends.

Today’s brief public service announcement is to let you know that these incredible beauties that we have, and have had at the shop for some time are flying low, beneath your radar.

You need to know about them!!!

These things are super reasonably priced. They are also ridiculously good looking and will easily elevate your versatile seating, floor lounging, corner sprucing game. They look radical stacked up there in the corner at our friend Laura’s house.

Let me illustrate a few lovely ideas for floor poufs!

Add a tray, and voila! A casual take on the end table. I employ this tactic all over my own home b/c it’s super versatile and I like to keep things mobile to make way for puppy wrestling and video-gaming.

If you are still into the super maximalist boho thing, then the pouf is a must have for tribal layers!

On the other hand, our minimalist boho friends may like this take. Let your pouf take a spotlight in a more refined setting like this one.

My latest visual obsession is a departure from the layers upon layers of pattern, and focuses more on piling on the organic texture and soothing color combinations. The calm blues of our cactus silk pouf would blend nicely in a setting like this


Poufs make the perfect perch for a kids play area!


And any Summer evening outdoors could be improved by bringing out all the rugs and poufs you can collect for an intimate gathering under the stars. I love the chandeliers in the trees!

Are you SOLD? Have a look at what’s in store and let me know if you want yours with or without the insert.

The striped beauties start at $98! You can find all Vintage Moroccan poufs here.


 Thanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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