
My mother has a love for gardening and she’s pretty good at it, check out the tour of her garden last season.

She always keeps flowers in her house during the spring and summer it is usually perennials from her own garden and in the cold months its usually flowers she buys at the Fresh Market and she never passes up an affordable orchid at IKEA.

I was over having lunch this week and she told me I couldn’t leave without going in to the living room to look at the bouquet of wild purple milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens) she brought back from the NC mountains.

Mom's milkweed

Not only was it pretty but it smelled quite good. Although its common in Illinois, its doing pretty well growing wild in the NC mountains.

She also had this bouquet of black eyed susans and crocosmia sitting in the kitchen at the entry.

Mom's garden bouquet

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