Big Up Yourself

For the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about switching DC from a crib to a big girl bed. Dan and I think its a good idea to get a full size bed because it expands our space for guests but we want to be careful not to make it overwhelming for DC.

She doesn’t seem to mind sleeping in her crib at all so I’m taking my time in locating just the right bed.

I’ve looked at a lot of antique and vintage beds both twin and full size.  I’m really itching to line a pair of twin beds up but I don’t think I have the space in DC’s room for that.

sunshine ruffalo kids room

Sunshine Ruffalo’s home

I’m in the early stages of deciding what direction I want to go in as far as color.  Right now I like the idea of aqua or light blue with a punch of red.  The ceiling in DC’s room is Benjamin Moore’s In Your Eyes.

In Your Eyes

Jessica Helgerson childs room

Jessica Helgerson

kids room tee pee

source unknown

I like the bohemian and feminine feel in Violet’s room, so I’ve been looking at some quilts at Plover Organic and Roberta Roller Rabbit.

Violet's room Cookie


spindle bed

Found this “spindle bed” on Craigslist, $125 is a hot deal

vintage danish twin bed

Danish stunner on Craigslist, twin size, $75, its missing a spindle

white blake bed Land of Nod

Land of Nod, Blake bed

bed edland ikea

Edland, IKEA

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  • Sarah – I am also in search of the right bed for Evan. I love the spindle bed you found on craigslist. Perfect for a girl’s room. The Danish number was also a good find. You could totally throw a quilt over the end of the bed to disguise the missing spindle.
    Why don’t you put together some ideas for a boy’s room? :)

  • That white spindle bed is pretty rad… though i really love the red 4 poster a lot, it made me feel really excited. Turned wood is definitely interesting.

    It would be fun to see Evan’s version! I can’t believe y’all’s babies are bout to be in big beds already.

  • I JUST posted about a very similar topic…check out the two beds that I just bought (and sold) from Craigslist…twin bed heaven!

  • I have a question…. I am VERY much the matchy matchy type person ( something I am TRYING HARD TO STOP.) Gena age 9 has a WONDERFUL BIG solid wood dresser,and nightstand that was her fathers, and her grandfather’s as a child. Its a light wood color, and now we have moved her from a twin bed,, to a queen size bed. I am now shopping for a nice headboard and foot board, but CAN”T find anything to match her other pieces. So here’s the question.. Do I go with a different wood tone, or go with metal, or a white headboard? HELP. I am stuck in “EVERYTHING need to match mood, and NEED to get out.”

  • Good idea. Gena is into BOLD colors ( we let her pick her wall color and bedding and she went with Pink and orange, and a few other colors ( Like blue, and green.) Maybe I should let her do my WHOLE house. =)Thanks. I have to go pick up my babies from school, but will start my search after there in bed tonight.

  • Faith- look through pictures of bedrooms you admire to help set yourself free from matchyville. Once you’ve loosened up– I think white, metal or a vintage/antique wooden bed painted a bold color would be fantastic!

  • Sarah- searching the internet and also a trip to IKEA cured me off my need to be “matchy, matchy.” Working on Gena’s room now,and I’ll post pictures, of it when we’re done (on my family blog.)

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