Your MAD MEN Decor starts with an Etched Number Glasses GIVEAWAY!!

The world is abuzz with the aesthetic accuracy and overwhelmingly authentic homage to Mid-Century lifestyle and design seen in AMC’s hit TV show Mad Men and its no surprise that they captured Golden Globe’s BEST SERIES for the second year in a row. Design bloggers have been on this tip for some time, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed their design tips in reference to the show.

I just recently watched the entire first season in two sittings. It took me about two weeks to stop fantasizing my everyday life was that of a Manhattanite Secretary from the 60s.

The Estate of Things chooses Mad Men Set Decor

So, we want to help you get started on your Mad Men Interiors by offering you these RAD glasses. Perfect for sipping on your highball while you watch the show. They come from Etsy Seller of the week, Sweetshorn .

The Estate of Things chooses Etsy Seller Sweetshorn

The Sweet Etched Number Glasses were TEOT’s pick for favorites from the many treasures that Alia at Sweetshorn has collected and she’s been kind enough to offer them to a specially chosen TEOT reader. Take a look at her other items and feel free to drop her a line to tell her how rad she is for the well curated collection of vintage finds, killer presentation too!

So how do you get your hands on these glasses!? Just write in and tell us which Television Shows and/or Movies have inspired you in your home decor!? We would certainly love to post pictures in your comment for you (if you have them email them to but they are certainly not required!!

The Estate of Things chooses Etsy Seller Sweetshorn

Recommended Reading: Sarah’s Mrs. Robinson PostThanks for playing,


And now a quick word from our sponsors!

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